Izzy Malik


Ishaq (Izzy) Malik began the masters of Clinical Psychology program at Lakehead University in 2022 and is under the supervision of Dr. Aislin Mushquash in the Coping Research Lab. His research currently focuses on implementing and evaluating innovative e-mental health interventions to support adaptive coping. Specific interests center around evaluating the quality, usability, acceptance, and satisfaction of mobile mental health apps and examining the associations between personality, e-mental health interventions, coping, and mental health. Izzy was awarded the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) - Canada Graduate Master’s Scholarship in 2023. He is also a Fellow Member of The Digital, Inclusive, Virtual, and Equitable Research Training (DIVERT) in Mental Health Platform. In his spare time, Izzy enjoys playing tennis, cooking, reading, and caring for his dog.

MA StudentTyler Drawson